G4 - Activity 2 - Vocabulary and Grammar - Exercises book

Exercise book Page 104

The leader I most admired Nelson Mandela, for all he did for peace in a country, changed the whole mentality of a country with positive actions and examples.

The least admire the politicians of my country, which are all synonyms of theft, scandals, lies, frauds, are the bad image that the good image.

What makes a leader is his strength To lead, by example, the passion that makes things, the ability to listen, and to convince with arguments to others, it is creative, fair, analytical, good communicator, objective and flexible.

The differences between a man and a woman who are leaders in this period is zero, both men and women can stand out and be leaders for their powers and characteristics and not by sexism that existed a few years ago when they were the only men to lead or they could review all issues and women just listened.

I think leaders are made by living things, what they learn, how they were educated, each moment of life makes training a leader.

About the firstborn, I think that there is a pattern that oblige them to be the best leaders, I think the conditions in which he lives, and all throughout his life is the way that the character of a leader.


The difference between manager and leader is that the manager is pending perhaps all economics, Strategy and other logistical issues over character, the leader focuses on people, to encourage them by example and guide them to achieve the objectives.

Exercise book Page 104 - 105


Casual / Formal




Can you think of any leaders who Were not up to the job.
There are many leaders that after a while you can see work that is not up to what is required, this looks much in political and department managers of large companies.

When the last time you took on Responsibility for something.
Every day at work I take decisions, large and small that can affect my work as my life.

what sort of problems do business leaders Have to Deal with?
Business leaders face problems as calculating project risks, manage the staff, to know whether to keep the current staff or more if necessary.

you have any leaders (business, political or other) come in for criticism recently in your country? why? what was your opinion?
If political leaders constantly have problems in my country, they are criticized for their bad actions especially at election time.

Exercise book Page 99-100

A significant news event you remember well
The day of the twin torr was visiting a client and the notocia heard on the radio, at first did not understand until I saw notocia big problem on TV.

An ethical problem you know about.
Some clients want to commission for helping out certain businesses.

A memorable event in your life
Every time I travel to the sea, are memorable.

An unusual or memorable experience while you were travelling abroad
The forms are called as meals in different places have different names meals we know.

Your first or last day in a job or organization
The first day of the project with a university was difficult, I was nervous, and the people who attended did not help much.

Exercise book Page 107-108

Exercise book Page 116

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